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Short-term rentals market the new game changerShort Term
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Костюмы на Хэллоуин своими руками

The flourishing real estate sector in the UAE has given rise to new homegrown businesses, with The Smart Concierge, a UAE-based proptech company, poised to transform short-term rentals into a multi-billion-dollar industry in Dubai. This innovation offers property owners in the city the potential to earn up to 30 percent higher income compared to traditional long-term rentals, catering to both global institutions and individual property owners. This initiative encompasses property owners and customers, extending its reach to prominent corporate groups in the Middle East region. Industry experts anticipate that the burgeoning high-yield short-term rental market will stimulate additional demand for the already thriving real estate market in the country.

Softwares gratuitos para calcular estruturas metálicas – O Calculista de Aço
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Short-term rentals market the new game changerShort Term - The Smart Concierge
Малка Лоренц (Malka Lorenz) – Telegram
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