Two important questions of law arise for consideration in this appeal. The first question is whether an order of the Appointing Authority granting sanction for prosecution of a public servant under Section 19 of the Prevention of Corruption Act, , would be rendered illegal on the ground of acting as per dictation if it consults the Central Vigilance Commission for its decision. The further question in this context, is whether the criminal proceedings can be quashed if the decision is not taken within the mandatory period. The validity of the sanction would, therefore, depend upon the material placed before the sanctioning authority and the fact that all the relevant facts, material and evidence have been considered by the sanctioning authority.
P.C Act – All about sanction and its limitations
Подробности: svadba-vals. Топовый ассортимент Мы верим, что создать гастрономическое изобилие в лучших традициях можно повсюду. Три зала — , 60 и 30 персон.
Волынкина М. Волынкина; Ин-т гуманитар. Роль книгоиздания в развитии международных научных и культурных контактов : доп.
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